⚠️ We've made the tough decision to stop keeping James Wellbeloved in stock in the shop. Once our current bags have sold, we won't be getting them in anymore - obviously we're more than happy to order some for you on demand, but we won't be keeping a supply of them. ⚠️
We've come to this decision because of supply issues, short dating issues (these 5 bags are almost at their Best Before date despite us getting them in in December! {they are half price now though for any bargain hunters } ), and the fact that we can't offer them at the price as supermarkets can. James Wellbeloved in the past has made it known that it doesn't support small, independent businesses, and unfortunately that doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon.

We do have some cracking alternatives, and it'll give us more space to expand on some other products, and get new things in. Pop in store or give us a call for any advice on changing over to a new food.
Once again, we are happy to get some on demand if it's your pups favourite - we can't disappoint them - but they will no longer be on our shelves.
We hope you understand this decision, and sorry for this long, rambling post on a Tuesday morning.